
Because of our sporadic internet availability, posting regularly has been a little hard! So, may I present you with tons of pictures!

First! I gave Brig a haircut. I’ve never given anybody a haircut before… So it was an intensely scary hour for us both! haha. We could’ve taken 10 minutes and $10 to have someone else do it, but where’s the fun in that??

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Next, we made a new friend: AJ from “The Chocolate Conspiracy” in SLC. We went to an organic, vegan chocolate making class there and had a blast! We got to taste cacao beans from all over the world (they all taste different by themselves!) and made our own ganache truffles. It was so fun and AJ was a great host.  The only problem now is that regular store-bought chocolate is no longer tasty or satisfying. Only premium artisan chocolate will do for us now! Sigh. 🙂

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Brig and I have begun to “mass produce” our BBQ sauces! These pictures only show one of them, the original “Barb-a-hooah” that Brig has been making for a couple years now. It’s really good! We have 3 others too- a tangy/mustardy chicken sauce, a sweet BBQ sauce, and an amazing chicken glaze. YUM! And we want some taste testers, so let us know if you’d like to try some!

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We went out with our friends Ash and Jordan to “Color Me Mine” for a Jordan concert! We loved being serenaded by lovely renditions of John Mayer, The Beatles, and James Taylor, and our favorites: Jordan originals. We suggest you all go listen to him play one of these weekends! Brig and I have lofty goals of having dogs in the future, so we painted ourselves some super cute doggie bowls… and are now using them as cereal bowls.

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Tate’s school put on “The Wiz”, which if you don’t know, is the ghetto’s version of the “Wizard of Oz”- bursting with groovy beats and “don’t trust the white guy” themes. It was fun, especially watching our Orem, UT white kids try to groove bro-style.

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Oh! here they are: The new bottles and labels for some of our BBQ sauces!

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Basically, what this post is trying to say is that we are incredibly happy. We have so much fun together, we dream big, we play and are trying to ease ourselves back into society (you know, answering phonecalls, hanging out with friends and family; things like that). Life couldn’t be more wonderful together, and we are so pleased to see that each day gets better.